Have you activated the way of the love warrior?

selfhealerpath selfhealersecrets shamanicrituals

Tending to ourselves through ritual is a lost practice until we awaken the way of the love warrior.

It is because we feel a depth of fragmentation, isolation and pain within, that we turn to practices that can bring us relief. Practices that can guide us to the path to creating coherence of mind-body-soul.

As we awaken to the way of the love warrior, we befriend our old allies, Earth + Spirit once more. 

We find refuge on the land that reflects our inner nature and connect with that very space within ourselves.

We begin to repair our relationship with the unseen web that holds us, God, Source, the Great Mystery, removing the veil of our separation.

And as we embody the teaching of love, we remember who we are… interdependent, interconnected, inter-beings. 

The veils that have kept us in isolation and separation begin to lift, we come home within to our centre and the most intimate space of our belonging. 

But it all begins with small daily rituals that allow you to down-regulate your nervous system, connect with your body and remember the safe space within you where you get to meet yourself.

Tomorrow is International Womens Day, an opportunity to celebrate yourself, women in your life and ultimately the feminine divine love warrior within us all.  

May you take a moment to pause, to honour who you are, and to cultivate the path of your inner knowing through ritual.

The path of reverence, sacred relations, soul-nourishing rituals and moments of love. 

The ripple effect begin with one drop.

Rituals can be as simple as mindfully walking in nature, a short meditation and breath practice, or even the Ayurvedic signature practice of Abhyanga (self-massage).

Choose one. Carve a sacred space.

Every breath is an opportunity to meet yourself.

Join us inside the FREE Private FB Community and let us know which ritual you will be choosing and how it supports you to meet yourself.



PS- It is almost Spring and that means its time to honour our bodies with the ritual of detox!Learn more about the upcoming Mighty Detox. Can’t wait! Check Upcoming Events for more Info.

PSS -Want to be supported to activate the way of the love warrior? Book a chat with me. Let’s discover how I can help you.

Though your story has shaped you, you have the power to transform your healing journey and come home to yourself.

Take the first step towards transformation by joining the waitlist for Mentorship and embarking on the journey of discovering The Self Healer Path.

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