The Healing Vortex

A 16-Week Sacred Journey to Heal Your Body and Reclaim Your Authentic Self.

Discover Ayurvedic and Shamanic rituals aligned with your Spiritual Healing Archetype so you can finally experience the vitality, inner peace, and deep inner connection

you've been yearning for.

  • Unlock your path to holistic wellness and vitality
  • Discover the root cause of how you feel in your body
  • Transform your relationship with your body, yourself and your story
  • Cultivate mind-body coherence and emotional resilience
  • Foster a deep spiritual connection with yourself

My intention for creating The Healing Vortex is for you to awaken your inner healer and come home to yourself feeling empowered and whole.

"The Healing Vortex has awakened and aligned the powerful force that is, my body, heart and spirit. Moving from a chaotic state of overwhelm (postpartum -twins) I now feel centred and focused. Consciously choosing routine, joy and allowing my light to shine.

It is as if Naty held my (virtual) hand, and guided me home."

Lucy Knight

Mama & Yoga Teacher

The Healing Vortex is for you, if you are:

  • Seeking a clear path to activate your body’s healing and vitality, addressing root causes, not just symptoms.

  • Feeling disconnected and yearning to reclaim your intuition and inner wisdom while setting boundaries for your healing journey.

  • Struggling with emotional rollercoasters, seeking to regulate your nervous system and feel safe in your body.

  • Tired of putting yourself last, longing to reconnect with your authentic self, voice, and power.

  • Going through a spiritual awakening, seeking healing tools to develop self-trust and find belonging within yourself.

"I am deeply grateful for Naty. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me find more security within myself and instrumental in helping me start to become more fully ‘me'. She is a trusted partner on my healing journey."

Lorraine Kurti

Artist & Creative

Envision this, you…

  • Break free from the noise of life, overcoming anxiety, confusion, and the overwhelming feeling of being lost
  • Establish boundaries for yourself, stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and integrate daily rituals that keep you centered
  • Transform your relationship with your body and yourself, shifting from a state of inner conflict to experiencing greater inner peace
  • Discover how to prioritize your needs and desires, finding greater balance in your life
  • Shift your symptoms and experience greater vitality and immunity by understanding the root causes of how you feel in your body
  • Carve safety within and embody coherence of mind, body, and soul
  • Gather healing tools to get back to yourself, develop self-trust, and come home to find belonging within yourself
  • Reclaim your voice and answer the whisper in your heart to reclaim your power

I am here to remind you:

you are not alone.

The Problem?

We've forgotten who we are. We keep turning to random practices, self-healing tools, and the latest fads that don’t align with our Archetype and fail to address the root cause of how we feel in our bodies.

We don't understand how our daily actions contribute to the anxiety, inflammation, and fragmentation we experience, leaving us even more confused and stuck on our healing journey.

Additionally, we've lost sight of the impact of our 'Story' and the imprints of Trauma on our bodies. Healing is never just about the physical body; it's also a journey to reclaim the fragmented pieces of our hearts, minds, relationships to self and Spirit, and the ability to anchor into the safe, sacred space within us—our most intimate inner space of belonging.

The call to weave yourself whole is a call to truly belong to yourself.

The Solution:

Unlock the Self Healer Path—the inner journey to healing your mind and body and reclaiming your connection to your authentic self.

Discover the power of your Spiritual Healing Archetype to identify the self-healing tools that align with who you are, addressing the root causes of how you feel in your body, heart, mind, spirit, and soul.

Once you align with your Archetype and the Self Healer Code you were born with, the Self Healer Path toward embodied wellness and wholeness becomes a dance between aligned action and the soul's call to heal at all levels of your being.

Enter The Healing Vortex

16 ~ 2hr Live Weekly Virtual Group Healing Circles

Unlock the full potential of the Healing Vortex through immersive live group calls led by Naty. Includes: Coaching, Shamanic Energy Healings, Soul Activations and Q&A

[+ Recordings]

Sacred Rituals Foundations for Self-Healing Course

[6 Pillars]

Transform your life with 16 self-paced modules covering six pillars of holistic self-healing.

4 New Moon Clearing & Manifestation Rituals

Harness the power of moon magic and shamanic rituals to release the past, cut the cords to the imprints that hold you back, and amplify your personal transformation. [Recorded]

+ 4 Month Access To Private Inclusive Community

+ Lifetime Access To Private Members Portal and Course Materials

Plus Bonuses,

Bonus 1

Guided Ayurvedic Cleanse

Reset and rekindle your digestive fire to rejuvenate your body and mind. Discover how to nourish your vitality, reduce inflammation in your gut and body, and enhance your overall well-being. [+ Recording]

Bonus 2

The Embodiment Lab

Access a comprehensive self-healing toolkit filled with resources, mindfulness practices, Ayurvedic recipes, and mind-body rituals to support your journey between sessions. [Recorded]

Bonus 3

Ayurvedic Living Essentials

Gain detailed guidance on integrating self-healing tools into your daily life to align with your unique needs. Includes Ayurvedic lifestyle, Ayurvedic Nutrition & Shamanic Rituals.

Specifically, you will discover:

Pillar 1 ~ Body

Ayurvedic Rituals to Activate Your Personal Healing, Nourish Your Vitality, and Rebuild Your Immunity.

Ayurveda, the ancient "Science of Life" holistic healing system from India, focuses on achieving balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit through personalized diet, mindfulness, lifestyle practices, and herbal remedies.

It recognizes unique individual constitution types known as doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—and aims to restore health by addressing imbalances specific to each person.

Dive into Ayurvedic tools to:

  • Gain insight into the root causes of your physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms to address these issues at their core, unlock your self-healing code, and restore your inner rhythms
  • Cleanse and nourish your vitality, addressing inflammation in your gut and body, and re-ignite your digestive fire
  • Uncover the secrets of Ayurvedic Nutrition, Liquid Nutrition, and Intermittent Fasting tailored to your unique Spiritual Healing Archetype
  • Experience increased physical vitality, energy, and radiance by aligning with your body's natural rhythms and balance
  • Practice self-care through everyday sacred rituals, creating stability at the core of your being and reclaiming your body's sovereignty

Pillar 2 ~ Heart

Meditation, Breathwork & Chakra Alignment Practices to Carve Safety Within, so you can Transform Early Childhood Core Wounds and Awaken Self Compassion.

Discover mindfulness practices and sacred rituals aligned with your Spiritual Healing Archetype to down-regulate your nervous system, begin to make peace with your body and challenge, and meet yourself with self-compassion.

Dive into practices to:

  • Transform anxiety and overwhelm, and transcend core wounds and childhood trauma imprints
  • Forge a clear healing path, transmuting fears into greater emotional intelligence and inner strength, reclaiming your sacred flow
  • Establish your own healing sanctuary, learning to set boundaries with greater self-awareness of your triggers and story
  • Restore energetic harmony with shamanic energy clearing techniques
  • Awaken self-compassion and meet the healer within you

Pillar 3 ~ Spirit

Shamanic Rituals to Move From Self-Sabotage to Self-Trust, From Feeling Alone to Feeling Interconnected.

Restore your relationship with yourself and claim a deeper spiritual connection.

Cut the cords to what keeps you feeling stuck and transform the imprints of trauma that affect your physiology.

Explore shamanic rituals to:

  • Move from chaos and mistrust to deep peace, presence, self-trust, and resilience
  • Tap into your intuitive potential and receive the unique gifts of your Sacred Medicine
  • Gain clarity on the intuitive messages you naturally receive
  • Activate your luminous body and befriend your spiritual guides
  • Receive guidance for healing and inner alignment

Pillar 4 ~ Mind

Energy Clearings and Shadow Work to Release the Imprints of Your Story that Shape Your Identity.

Discover how your "ancestral blood memory" influences your identity and learn techniques to clear its hold on your psyche and effect on your healing journey.

Transmute karmic cycles, agreements, vows, contracts, patterns, and obligations to release restrictive beliefs and the self-shaming inner dialogue that keeps you stuck.

Explore these practices to:

  • Awaken your personal and ancestral wisdom, and clarify your inner vision
  • Transform limiting beliefs and narratives to rewrite your story with empowerment, wholeness, and self-love
  • Align your actions with the calling in your heart to lead a life of greater purpose
  • Cultivate emotional resilience and stability to navigate life's challenges with ease and grace
  • Embody your worthiness and create a life that reflects your true potential

Pillar 5 ~ Soul

Sacred Rituals to Align With Your Authentic Self and Find Refuge Within.

Claim your sovereignty and embrace your authentic self.

Reclaim your belongingness and inner connection so you can come home to yourself.

Discover the blueprint to your path to purpose so you can align your next step with the life you desire to create.

Explore these practices to:

  • Reclaim your agency and step into your conscious creative power
  • Unlock the unique Sacred Medicine that resides within you
  • Deepen your spiritual connection and sense of purpose, aligning with your true self and life's greater unfolding
  • Embrace your authenticity and find sanctuary within
  • Create a life that reflects your true desires and potential

Pillar 6 ~ Embodiment

Integration of Self Healing Tools and Rituals so you can Embrace Your Wholeness and Reclaim Your Power.

Step into your fullest potential.

Integrate everyday rituals to feel deeply connected with yourself, anchored in your center.

Meet yourself as a self-healer deeply rooted at the core of the Healing Vortex you have created.

Explore these practices to:

  • Discover your innermost refuge and embrace your power, coming home to yourself
  • Integrate daily rituals to stay connected and centered
  • Become an agent of healing for others and the Earth, embodying the power of your Sacred Medicine
  • Align your actions with your purpose to make a positive impact on the healing of all
  • Recognize and honor your journey, reclaiming your wholeness and stepping into your potential


"When I first met Naty at a women's circle, I had a deep yearning to heal whatever was holding me back from being my truest self, and I was also struggling with a long term health issue.

Right from our first incredible healing session, I felt the beginnings of her gentle compassionate support towards building a solid foundation on which to rebuild my strength on all levels.

Each week Naty taught me new practices, rituals and healing exercises that now support me living a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual life.

Naty brings a beautiful and immovable inner strength to her teachings and holds compassionate space for my truest self to emerge.

Every healing session goes deeper within and always shakes something up that needs to wake up. It is a very powerful and grounding process for which I knew on a higher level would be an important next step for my spiritual growth.

Even though it has been challenging at times, because personal growth work is not always easy, I am more peaceful, grounded and clearer about what I want for my life. I am happy to be on a more authentic path that feels right for me.

I am very grateful to have met Naty, she is a wise and powerful healer.

Lori Bateman

Breathwork Teacher

"The Healing Vortex helped me find the answers I was seeking. It was with Naty’s guidance as someone who has journeyed the Path herself that I found an abundance of wisdom, compassion and lovingkindness and I am so grateful for."

Sonya Dunkley

Retired Air Canada Employee

Plus You'll be Backed by a 14 Day Risk-Free Guarantee

It's time to change your life and offer yourself the compassion and love you freely give to others. Step into intentional living, reclaim all fragmented pieces of yourself, and rediscover the YOU that you know and the YOU that you had forgotten.

Let The Healing Vortex support you in carving safety within to meet yourself. Experience the transformative power of anc and gain clarity on your path forward the Pause Form" and we'll issue you a full refund.

Let The Healing Vortex support you in carving safety within to meet yourself. Experience the transformative power of ancient healing practices and gain clarity on your path forward.


"The Mentorship I had with Naty opened up new vistas and paths for me which I did not even know existed. Following these paths under her tutelage has lead to new understanding about myself and the world, both seen and unseen.

Naty brings together a wonderful selection of modalities to heal a spiritual heart."

Kaylee Valli


“As a mom of 4 boys, most days left me feeling empty and drained, feeling guilty of not appreciating what I have. I felt as if I was on a hamster wheel of overwhelm, anger, frustration, pain, and just an overall sense of gloom. Before I joined The Healing Vortex, I felt stuck on a constant loop of repeat. I was stuck in a state of fear, unable to connect with my needs.

My biggest breakthrough was feeling safe within myself.

I am now able to actually feel my emotions, know that I can heal and have the power within to know what I need most. My time through The Mentorship Path was deeply personal and transformational. I am forever grateful.

The Healing Vortex will change your cellular memory, releasing what is no longer needed, learning to give yourself compassion that you so freely give to others and creating a safe space within yourself.

No matter what happens on the outside you have the power to go within and feel what you have cultivated with Naty’s guidance.

Naty brings you the daily tools, rituals and step by step daily plans to really truly love yourself, and you get to take what works for you and your life and make it personal. These lessons and teachings will stay with me for the rest of my life.”

Crystal Mank

Mama of 4 & Owner of On The Ridge Events

"The Healing Vortex has allowed me to dive deeper into my own spiritual journey. It has provided me with many tools necessary to direct me on the path to my higher self.

Naty is such a beautiful soul who holds radiant healing energy. She has the ability to hold any space necessary.”

Shannon Cloer

Reiki Master

The Healing Vortex will support you overcome:

  • Confusion about your symptoms and how to go deeper into your healing.

Because you will have fully unlocked and understood your unique Self Healing Code, you will be able to discover rituals that address the root causes of what you are experiencing. You will be able to activate your personal healing and create stability in your nervous system.

  • Feeling unsafe in your body, like you are walking on eggshells ALL THE TIME.

You will discover rituals and practices to make peace with your body and your story, so you can carve safety within, transform anxiety, overwhelm and the imprints of your core wound as you place boundaries for your Self and awaken self-compassion.

  • Self-sabotage and feeling alone in your healing process.

You will untangle the triggers that keep you stuck in the Trauma Vortex and deconstruct the walls that keep you away from yourself and the world.

  • Imprints of your personal and ancestral ‘story’ that influence your identity

You will be able to cut the ‘cords’ and move beyond the veils that have held you back as you anchor into greater inner wisdom, and be supported to awaken your connection to the sacred fire within yourself.

  • Disconnection from your Self and your Soul, feeling fragmented as if you were a guest in your own house.

You will reclaim your agency, and step into your power to uncover your purpose and the blueprint to your unique gift to the world.

  • Feeling like you don’t belong anywhere, much less to yourself.

You will be supported to find sanctuary within, come home to belong to yourself and become an agent of healing for others and the Earth.

“The Healing Vortex has been an integral part of my healing from the inside out. It has taken away the noise of the non important things in my life and given me clarity of how to tend to myself and align my actions towards my goals with compassion, awareness and gentleness.

I now have tools to bring me back to myself. Working with Naty through The Healing Vortex has really been a game changer.”

Lena Mak

Accupuncturist & Massage Therapist

Life Has a Way of Calling Us Forward to Evolve, Rise, Heal and Become Our Prayer

Your Healing Journey Is Personal.

In the late 90's I worked as a photojournalist and had the opportunity to witness both the beauty of man and the darkest side of humanity.

To say that my heart was cracked open is an understatement.

At the time I found refuge in both meditation and yoga. It became my time of 'sanity' so I could meet an insane world.

The second time I hit the ground running was when extreme levels of heavy metal toxicity caused severe numbness on the right side of my body, I never thought I'd feel whole again.

And yet, it was through this journey I discovered what I now call The Self Healer Path. My greatest challenge became my greatest teacher, and the same can happen for you.

You may not know this now, but you have the potential to ignite your transformation. You can take back your power and find belonging in yourself.

Today I guide others to unlock the shamanic path to healing body, find their power in the within, and reclaim their sense of Self.

I am a Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Activator and Mentor, Ayurvedic Counsellor, Yoga And Meditation Teacher, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Mystery School Sanctioned Teacher and Author of Your Mighty Inner Healer.

As a Shamanic Healer, Ayurvedic Coach and Mentor I Offer:

  • 14+ years of real-world experience walking the Self Healer Path and applying the strategies I teach
  • Support in activating your healing journey through the proven step-by-step Self Healing Map
  • Sacred space for deep and lasting transformation
  • A perfect blend of ancient rituals and modern practices for creating inner stability, transforming your story, shifting relationships, building trust in yourself, rewiring your mindset, and claiming sovereignty
  • Intuitive and empathic guidance to attune to higher frequencies and provide the necessary insights for immediate action on your healing journey.

Specifically, I can help you:

  • Establish the necessary inner structure to support yourself on your spiritual healing journey
  • Discover and incorporate shamanic rituals, tools, and practices into your own medicine bag as you progress through the roadmap to becoming your own healer
  • Boost your confidence in taking action as you honour, anchor, nourish, transform, and awaken to your power
  • Utilize ritual to restore your sense of wholeness
  • Activate your intuitive healing abilities
  • Reconnect with your personal medicine and harness its power.


"Naty Howard’s Mentorship is the ultimate commitment to your Self.

When I was introduced to Naty Howard, I urgently needed to reclaim my Life but was confused about the ‘how’.

Naty’s carefully-curated program is one of the greatest gifts I have ever given myself. It sparked deep transformation that I don’t think would have taken place if I hadn’t invested in myself through the program.

It helped me to save my own life and led me to a complete recovery from Lyme disease and a much greater sense of well-being.

I now have acquired the tools to better listen to my body, make wiser choices, and I have learned to come back to my Self. I have learned to establish boundaries in most aspects of my life. I have also learned to set aside the time to make space within. It has helped me learn to value and respect myself deeply.

Through The Healing Vortex, I realized that I wasn’t willing to look at myself. To sit with myself. I was avoiding the work.

There is NO price that one could put on the gifts that she bestowed upon me. I have worked with a many different coaches in my life – including personal trainers, business coaches, creative coaches, and other mentors. Naty’s program offers a wholistic approach to total life transformation.

The essence that I carry with me from the program is self-love.

The transformation that happened by “doing the work” (which is ongoing) - helps me open my heart to be seen by others. My Heart is now more open to give and receive Love – and that is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

“Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

If you don’t know what to do with your one wild and precious life – do the program.

If you’re unwell – do the program.

If you feel called to this program, do the program.

And, if you decide to do the program, make the commitment to yourself to do it to the best of your ability.


This program is for everyone looking to elevate their lives."

Kerry King

Executive Director/ CEO at Resorts of Ontario

The Healing Vortex is for you, if you are ready to:

Break Free from Feeling Confused and Disconnected from Yourself

You go to bed every night yearning tomorrow would be different.

You are done with throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something will change how you feel in your body. You've come to understand you are on a Spiritual Healing Journey and you need to access a deeper transformation at all levels: body, heart, mind, soul and spirit.

You've been praying for something like this to show up in your life.

Understand How Your Uniqueness Influences Your Path To Inner Healing

The healing journey is non-linear and you are tired of knocking your head against the wall.

You are excited to have a clear step-by-step path that is aligned with who you are and through which you can reclaim yourself.

You feel like life is escaping you and you are done, you mean DONE, with feeling disconnected and confused. You're ready to go deeper into your transformation, have clear answers and honour yourself.

Take Aligned Action To Transform Your Life

You recognize there is "no perfect time" and waiting is not the answer.

Life will always be busy AND you are ready to place a few boundaries so you can make today the day that you TIMESTAMP you healing journey.

You are ready to change what keeps you feeling stuck in groundhog day, so you can embody the whispers to heal and the yearning in your soul to belong to yourself.


What is The Healing Vortex? Is it online or in person?

The Healing Vortex is a 4 month sacred path to activate your personal healing using Ayurvedic and Shamanic Practices so you can transform how you feel in your body, shift from fragmented to sovereign and embody the wholness that you seek.

● This program is 100% online.

● There are no pre-requisites to join.


How long do I have access to this Program and the Members Portal?

You have 4 month Access to the Live Coaching & Healing Sessions with Naty.

You have Lifetime Access to the recordings in the Members Portal.

What makes the Healing Vortex different? I have tried so many things and I feel stuck...

There is more free information available now on every subject we can possibly think of, and even on the ones we never thought about.

The Healing Vortex is different from other programs or free online resources because it combines the wisdom teachings and rituals of Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, chakra healing, breath work, the power of liquid nutrition and intermittent fasting according to your Self Healing Code, Buddhist teachings on self-compassion, trauma informed shadow work and guided processes for self-development, shamanic initiations + activations, shamanic energy healings, shamanic journeying, all held together by the field of healing offered through the Pachakuti Mesa Shamanic Tradition.

With Naty's expertise and years of experience, this program saves you time and effort by providing a proven clear roadmap to guide you on your self-healing journey.

The Healing Vortex is designed to support you in breaking free from feeling stuck and experiencing deep transformation. It is the closest offer I can give you besides working with me on a 1:1 basis!

It provides a safe and curated space for you to unlock your spiritual healing and unleash your full potential.

Join the Healing Vortex and embark on a transformative journey to reclaim your sense of self and cultivate inner peace.

PS- This Program will save you years of trial and error, guesswork and painful mistakes.

Can I upgrade from the Collective Path to the Mentorship Path?

If you want to upgrade your registration, all you need to do is send an email to, stating your intentions and a member of our team will reach out to you.

Note: You will have to pay the registration difference between them.

What is the schedule for the LIVE sessions with Naty?

Collective Path:

- Live Virtual Coaching, Soul Activations and Q&A Sessions take place every Tuesdays, 7pm-9pm EST.

- All Live Sessions are recorded and uploaded to the Private Members Portal within 48hr of taking place.

Mentorship Path:

- In addition to the Collective Path, you will meet with Naty 6 times for 1hr. (60min) each. You will have the opportunity to schedule your weekly time/day after registration.

Who is the Healing Vortex right for?

The Healing Vortex is a transformative program designed for people who are seeking deep personal growth and the transformation of their healing journey.

You are ready for answers. For tools, rituals and practices to support you, move beyond what keeps you up at night, so you can come home within yourself.

Whether you feel fragmented, anxious, or have tried various methods without finding the radiance, health, and deep connection you yearn for, the Healing Vortex is perfect for you.

It provides the tools and support to prioritize your own well-being and fill your cup, especially if you find yourself always giving to others and neglecting self-care.

If you are going through the Dark Night of the Soul, Shamanic Dismemberment, or a Spiritual Awakening, the Healing Vortex offers guidance to move beyond trauma and step into a life of greater freedom.

It is also ideal for those who want to feel whole within, transform their story, reclaim their body, and connect with the sacred within themselves.

The Healing Vortex is open to a wide range of people, including Empaths, Crystal Junkies, Astrology Lovers, Creatives, Moon Magic Mystics, Goddesses, Intuitive Healers, and Alchemists at heart. It is also suitable for burned-out individuals going through life transitions, such as new parents, empty nesters, those in new stages of relationships, or those seeking more meaning in their work or business life.

Additionally, the Healing Vortex welcomes Light Workers, Wellness Coaches, Shamanic and Reiki Practitioners, Yoga and Breathwork Teachers, Ayurvedic Coaches, Bodywork Specialists, Holistic/Natural Nutritionists, and Health, Life, and Soul Coaches. It is a space for alchemists, witches, open-hearted brothers and sacred sisters alike.

Join the Healing Vortex and embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness, inner peace, and self-empowerment.

Refund Policy

The Healing Vortex comes with a 14 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you don’t feel it’s in alignment with you, send us an email before the 14th day from the date of your registration, midnight EST. No Exceptions.

You’ll be asked to submit the “Hit the Pause Form” by the second week of the live program and we’ll issue you a full refund. The reason we ask for you to submit the “Hit the Pause Form” is simple: self transformation takes a commitment to move beyond your resistances, story and habits.

We believe in you, and know this program works. But sometimes we get that a Pause is necessary to leap forward.

This applies to pay in full registrations and payment plans, both for the Collective Path and the Mentorship Path, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline has passed.

Hey, I'm Naty

Shamanic Healer, Ayurvedic Coach, Yoga, Breathwork & Meditation Teacher, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teacher and Author.

©️ Naty Howard 2024