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Your Healing Journey Is Personal.
In the late 90's I worked as a photojournalist and had the opportunity to witness both the beauty of man and the darkest side of humanity.
To say that my heart was cracked open is an understatement.
At the time I found refuge in both meditation and yoga. It became my time of 'sanity' so I could meet an insane world.
The second time I hit the ground running was when extreme levels of heavy metal toxicity caused severe numbness on the right side of my body, I never thought I'd feel whole again.
And yet, it was through this journey I discovered what I now call The Self Healer Path. My greatest challenge became my greatest teacher, and the same can happen to you.
You may not know this now, but you have the potential to ignite your transformation. You can take back your power and find belonging in yourself.
Today I guide others to unlock the shamanic path to healing body, find their power in the shadow, carve a sanctuary within and reclaim their sense of Self.
I am a Shamanic Healer, Ayurvedic Coach, Yoga And Meditation Teacher, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Mystery School Sanctioned Teacher and Author of Your Mighty Inner Healer.
© 2024 Naty Howard