The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Of Cross-Cultural Shamanism Foundational Apprenticeship


A comprehensive foundation and profound initiation into the living heart and soul of Peruvian Shamanism for personal and planetary healing and transformation, as originated by don Oscar Miro Quesada, known world-wide as a Peruvian kamasqa curandero.

“As we construct our altars, we re-claim deep connection with ourselves, our communities, and Pachamama. As we call forth the power of nature into our altars, we recognize that we are not alone, we are luminous strands within the whole.”

– don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Who Is This Shamanic Apprenticeship For?

  • Seeking Deeper Meaning: Looking to find purpose through a profound spiritual relationship with the Great Originating Mystery.
  • A Sacred Space Holder or Soul Circle Guide: Whether you’re just starting or already experienced, this apprenticeship amplifies the healing medicine you offer and nurtures your own journey as a healer.
  • Called to Be a Healing Light: If you feel called to maximize your presence as a beacon of healing for the world.
  • A Nature Lover: If you adore connecting with rocks, crystals, feathers, shells, and the elements of nature.
  • A Healer Seeking Guidance: If you are looking for a sacred tradition to support and evolve your healing practices.

Through the PMT Foundational Shamanic Apprenticeship You Will:

  • Heal and Integrate: Transform your dark night of the soul and the fragmented parts of yourself into wholeness.
  • Ground and Center: Learn tools to stabilize and empower yourself as an empathetic being.
  • Cultivate Deep Connections: Build a sacred relationship with yourself, nature, and the unseen realms.
  • Activate Your Healing Potential: Unearth your healing gifts and take part in powerful shamanic initiations.
  • Build and Activate Your Shamanic Mesa: Create your personal Mesa for self-healing and offering healing to others.
  • Become a Medicine Keeper: Deepen your connection to ancient shamanic wisdom, guiding your healing path and service to the Earth.
  • Join a Sacred Community: Walk a transformative path alongside like-minded souls in support of your highest potential.


" Working with the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition and its masters, provides a path forward - a map- to self-healing with termendous loving support from both the seen and unseen worlds. It is deeply transformational and life changing.

Naty is a phenomenal healer and teacher. Her bundle contains so many tools, gifts, medicines and wisdom that support and nourish the deepest inner transformation. Her love and care, and her gentleness help you feel safe and grounded. I highly recommend working with her."

Isabelle Goulet

" I walked into my first weekend with little expectations, and I am leaving feeling radically transformed. Not only was I able to connect deeply with my animal ally, I also feel like so much Hucha (density) was perged from my body.

A deeper energetic healing and retrieval of my fragmented self has emerged. I am deeply grateful to utilize these spiritual tools in my life to allow for further healing.

I also leave with a deepr understanding of Ayni (Sacred Reciprocity) to be intentional with my awareness and receiprocal relationships to plants, beings and spaces around me.

Naty is a magical being. She eminates deep wisdom, love and a sincere desire for us to connect deeply with the process she faciliated for us. I feel seen by her, trust her spirit to guide us fruther in this Apprenticeship."

Rachel Cope

What Is The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism?

'Pachakuti' means 'world reversal and refers to the time of transformation we are living now. A mesa is an altar for self-exploration, transformation and personal growth in which we create a new paradigm of one's relation to the Self and the Universe.

This shamanic tradition, in all its richness, is an evolving practice of inner and outer activities that restore balance and harmony to our relationship with All That Is.

What is the Pachakuti Mesa?

In the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition we interact and build relationships with the unseen realm through the creation of a specific type of altar or mesa called the Pachakuti Mesa. This sacred patterning of elemental expressions becomes the seat of spiritual vision and the game board for interacting with all of creation.

Who can Practice this Shamanic Tradition?

Anyone with a yearning to be of loving service and healing support to self, others and our living Earth.

Origins of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition

Oscar's first experience with Peruvian shamanism was between 1969-1986, under the famed huachumero son Celso Rojas Palomino from Salas.

After don Celso transitioned to the Spirit World, don Oscar started a four-year apprenticeship with the Andean Paqokuna shaman/priesthood with famed kuraq akulleq don Benito Corihuaman Vargas from the village of Wasao.

Both of his mentors insisted that the only way to safeguard these ancient healing traditions was to bring them to Western acculturated peoples.

This led don Oscar to originate the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Shamanism. Thus don Oscar continues fulfilling the noble intentions of both venerable elders who bequeathed him the task of preserving their Heart Island (South America) shamanic ways as a seven generation legacy of healing service to the world.

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Cosmovision

As most keen observers of the 'orderly' patterns, rhythms, pulses, tonalities and cycles found in Nature will agree, the PMT Cosmovision is a living archetype - a Self-reflexive mandala of our universal sentience.

A more integrative imaginal rendition of the sacred powers, forces and hermetic axioms of our Pachakuti Mesa Lineage is nowhere to be found.

By entering into a ceremonial relationship with the simplicity of its wholeness lies a true theophany. May your soul effortlessly navigate its aesthetic infinitude with the joyous pleasure of our re-Membering...

How The Apprenticeship Works




Wild Earth YURT, 12380 Concession Road 2, Zephyr, On, L0E1T0, Canada

It Includes:
  • 5 In-Person Immersive Weekend Intensives (Part I-V) – Deep dive into the sacred teachings and practices of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT).
  • 5 In-Between Weekend Intensive Group Council Calls (60 minutes each) – Ongoing support and integration between weekends.
  • Comprehensive Study of the PMT – Learn Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for personal and planetary renewal.
  • Printed Weekend Manuals – Detailed, hands-on resources to support your journey.
  • Private WhatsApp Group – A sacred space for community, connection, and support.
  • Access to the Universal Shaman Facebook Group – Connect with a global community of PMT practitioners.
  • Weekly PMT Wednesday Night Global Link-Up Meditation – Participate in a global meditation for personal and planetary healing every Wednesday, 8:45–9:30 pm EST (optional but deeply transformative).
  • 108+ Hours of In-Depth Apprenticeship – Guided by sanctioned teacher, Naty Howard, for profound transformation and healing.

Part I: The Call to Heal (Releasing the Past)

Dates To Be Announced

Participants will be initiated into the Pachakuti Mesa, a powerful and sacred altar. Each student will learn how to create their own mesa and work with it for self-empowerment, transformation, and helping others. Through shamanic journey and visionary states of consciousness, participants will explore the three worlds of the Andean cosmovision, sacred reciprocity with all that is, the core ingredients of ceremonial mastery, sacred sound and ritual language, healing and curanderismo, and the inner world of the ukhupacha.

Part II: A Balance of Power (Transforming the Present)

Dates To Be Announced

An apprenticeship in the center direction of the mesa, traditional Peruvian perspectives on the flow of energy through the realms, focusing on the kaypacha, the middle world. Students will explore the kaypacha’s elemental matrix and magico-spiritual power, and learn about the sun and moon’s presence in the middle world, mapping the cosmos on Earth, and celestial death and rebirth.

Part III: The Condor’s Quest (Creating the Future)​

Dates To Be Announced

This initiation is a deep dive into the paqokuna, don Benito’s contribution to the PMT. The Andean Shaman/Priesthood mystical path, the lineage of the sacred mountains, and the five virtues of the mesa come alive in this intensive, including how to make a desapacho (earth offering). Participants will also journey to and experience the hanaqpacha, the upper world beyond the physical realm, work with the unseen world there and deepen their connection to their own spiritual resources.

Part IV: The Hummingbird’s Ascent (Living the Mystery)

Dates To Be Announced

Participants will be initiated into the healing arts of this tradition and learn about the lightning bolt of mystical illumination - the flow of kamasqa - the power of Creation. They will work with the elements, the forces of the universe, the body of Mother Earth, and sacred healing objects. In sacred reciprocity participants will create despachos to honor the sacred mountains, the elements, the unseen world, and prepare for a paqowachu, a sacred pilgrimage and vision quest.

>> Paqowachu, sacred pilgrimage and vision quest takes place in between Part IV and Part V.

Part V: The Shamanic Self (Serving the Earth)

Dates To Be Announced

An experiential intensive into soul and spirit through ritual process, including the spiritual creation, activation and care of an apacheta (stone altar). Students will work with the power of dimensionality and time, the hampikamayoq breathing techniques, and be exposed to ancient hermetic wisdom. Participants will be further empowered by evoking both seen and unseen sources of cosmic awareness within their mesa, sacred objects and own being, and initiation into the lineage of this revered tradition.

This Shamanic Apprenticeship is right for you, if you:

  • Want to make sense of your shamanic dismemberment, spiritual awakening, or dark night of the soul.
  • Are an empath, often carrying the weight of others’ energy and the world on your shoulders.
  • Seek to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself, nature, and the unseen realms.
  • Desire to become an agent of healing for others and Mother Earth.

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Foundational Apprenticeship offers you the opportunity to awaken the Shamanic Healer within and root into the sacred space of your true shamanic belonging.


"I came to the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Apprenticeship after hitting rock bottom. I felt empty and very alone, looking to reconnect with myself and source once again.

I came without expectations, just an inner knowing that I need this.

I was met at teh yurt iwth such an amazing magical energy of the space and of Naty as our teacher. She is such beautiful, caring and compassionate soul, who creates sacred space for us to heal from within.

I feel forever changed after my first weekend."

Rhianon Weston

"Every time I talk about the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, all of my being lights up. I begin to radiate out the light I found within. And in the most beautiful way, my surrounding reflects that energy back to me.

Pachakuti means word reversal. This is so literal and I completely underestimated the power of this journey. A part of me always knew that flipping the world upside down and dissapearing into the Ukhupacha (World of the Within), to befriend my shadows needed to happen.

When I actually embarked on this quest, I found myself resisting it at first, wanting to shut my eyes bacause I was afraid of what I might see.

Before, I would have diagnosed myself with depression. I would have wondered why is this happening 'to me'? Through the portal of the PMT, I've enetered a healing vortex that lets me fly high with the winds and see everything from an eagle perspective. I get to use the elemental forces, encantos, for my personal healing, the healing of my lineage and therefore the healing of the collective.

My human experience feels more and more meaningful. The path of being in serivce of teh light keeps calling my name. So here I am stepping into my power through the wild and ancient teachings of this lineage. There is lots to remember and this is only the beginning. I stand in deep gratitude, humbled by the forces of the Universe.

Naty creates an environment of sacredness that allows magick to happen in a way that always feels safe and appropiate. Her humble heart shines the light of love and wisdom. She cares for her students and their individual journeys.

I can absorb and contain the teachings through her in a very susteinable way. I didn't like school when I was a child, yet Naty's way of teaching leaves me charged, inspired and excited for the next PMT weekend to come.

She feels like a friend, guide, mentor. She hears each participant out and understands how to find the perfect balance between flow, surrender and guidance, setting boundaries in her teachigns. I am very much grateful for her presence in this apprenticeship and in my life!"

Katharina Koch

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) Shamanic Foundational Apprenticeship includes:

  • 5 In-Person Immersive Weekend Intensives (Part I-V) – Deep dive into the sacred teachings and practices of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT).
  • 5 In-Between Weekend Intensive Group Council Calls (60 minutes each) – Ongoing support and integration between weekends.
  • Comprehensive Study of the PMT – Learn Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for personal and planetary renewal.
  • Printed Weekend Manuals – Detailed, hands-on resources to support your journey.
  • Private WhatsApp Group – A sacred space for community, connection, and support.
  • Access to the Universal Shaman Facebook Group – Connect with a global community of PMT practitioners.
  • Weekly PMT Wednesday Night Global Link-Up Meditation – Participate in a global meditation for personal and planetary healing every Wednesday, 8:45–9:30 pm EST (optional but deeply transformative).
  • 108+ Hours of In-Depth Apprenticeship – Guided by sanctioned teacher, Naty Howard, for profound transformation and healing.


How does the Shamanic Apprenticeship work?

The 5 weekend Shamanic Apprenticeship is an in-person immersive environment.

Each weekend builds upon the next and offers shamanic activations that are needed to integrate the teachings of that particular weekend and prepare your whole body-mind-psyche-soul to receive the teachings of the following weekend.

There are no make up classes for missed Weekend Trainings.

What if I am unable to make a Weekend Training?

Because of the cumulative and sequential nature of each weekend training, all weekend trainings need to be done in order.

Please understand that your commitment to the schedule is extremely important to be able to complete the Apprenticeship.

Each intensive is an initiatory lineage activation and transmission that must be fulfilled sequentially. For example, the first level is prerequisite for the second level and so on.

In order to proceed with the Shamanic Apprenticeship, the missed weekend training needs to be done by the apprentice.

3 options for making up the missed weekend training are:

>> Option A - Request a make-up class at an additional cost of $800 (Dependant on Naty's Schedule and rental space availability).

>> Option B - Find another teacher in the PMT community who has the missed weekend training coming up. You will have to pay the New Teacher directly to attend their weekend workshop and it will most likely involve travel.

>> Option C- Wait till I teach the missed weekend again next year. (There would be no extra charge for this, but it is contingent on there being space available).

Are Meals Included?

Weekend intensives include fruit, snacks, and teas.

Please bring your own meals.

Saturday: You will need lunch + dinner.

Sunday: You will need lunch.

*Please bring a cup with a lid.

I Am Planning To Travel From Out Of Town, Where Can I Stay?

WE Yurt, has a few options if you would like to stay on the grounds of where the Apprenticeship will take place. You can reach out to them directly at

You can also stay at small hotels, AirBnB in the area of Mt Albert, Newmarket, Stouffville, Aurora, Uxbridge, (Ontario).

For your reference, WE Yurt address is 12380 Concession Road 2, Zephyr, On, L0E1T0, Canada.

Cancellation Policy

This is a year long Shamanic Apprenticeship and commitment with a no refund policy.

Hey, I'm Naty

Shamanic Healer, Ayurveda Wellness Counsellor, Yoga, Breathwork & Meditation Teacher, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teacher and Author.

Naty Howard | All Rights Reserved