How green is your heart space? It is time to detox?

detox selfhealerpath selfhealersecrets shamanicrituals

Couldn’t help it. St Patrick’s day is just around the corner.. and all that celebrating gotta add up.

In the Vedic Tradition, green is the colour of the heart chakra, the expansiveness nature of love.

I find March, more than February to be a month of returning to love, self-love. The days begin to get longer, the warmth of the Sun begins to shine new possibilities for growth, and excitement is beginning to rise as the Earth awakens from the dream of the Winter months.

The white begins to fade to reveal the green abundance of beauty that nature has to offer us and with that, a reminder to nurture the radiance of the green space of the heart within us. 

March is the beginning of Spring for us in the Nothern Hemisphere, and with that comes a new karmic cycle of creation. 

A time to begin to think about detoxifying our bodies, both nourishing and clearing the slate for the Season ahead.

A time to nourish the inner terrain of our body temple so we can green up, fertilize the soil for our soul remembering. 

There are many ways to detox and rebuild the body. But the most important thing to remember is that the body will only detox when it's nourished. 

Every Spring I do a deep cleanse. I call it a Mighty Detox. I use superfoods to nourish my body at deep cellular levels in order to optimize my body’s ability to cleanse and detoxify from the inside out and supercharge my immunity. Ready to join me? 

Check out the details of Mighty Detox. 

Clearing the space of the heart is not just about detoxifying the physical body. But it is where we begin in order to create the inner stability at the core of your being so you can weave greater coherence of mind-body and Spirit. 

We are inter-beings. The toxicity in your body affects your emotional well-being, your perceptions, your attachments to your story and ability to manage - or not- the stressors in your life. And vice versa. 

And if joining a guided cleanse now just doesn’t work, follow the 1 day Spring Ritual in my book Your Mighty Inner Healer (Pg. 193).

If you have any questions about Mighty Detox, hit reply or book a call with me. 

It’s time to nourish, detoxify and rejuvenate your body temple,



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