Are you going through a shamanic dismemberment?

pmtshamanicapprenticeship selfhealerpath shamanicrituals

As I step back into this space, I want to let you know I am moving slower, integrating deep teachings and preparing the fertile ground for the deeper work you & I may do together.

In speaking to some of you over the past few weeks, it has become known that many of you are going through big transformations, shamanic dismemberments, and activations. 

A Shamanic Dismemberment or Shamanic Death is the process of clearing the veils of identities that hold us back away from our belonging. It can also be called the Dark Night Of The Soul or Kundalini Awakening experience. All of these share one thing in common: after we go through them, there is simply no going back to who we once were.

In the midst of our darkest hour, we may feel very alone. As we rapidly begin to shed and transform, those around us may not understand what we are going through or what is calling us forward. 

But I want to tell you that you are not alone. There are many of us that have walked through the ring of fire that is shamanic dismemberment and have found refuge in the ancient Peruvian shamanic lineage of The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™, as originated by  don Oscar Miro-Quesada.

A shamanic path of initiation to gather the rituals, ceremonies, tools and practices to be able to meet yourself in your heart and belong to yourself again.

If you are seeking to anchor into your Soul, to deepen your personal healing and make sense of your intuitive ‘hits’, visions, and process of awakening, I invite you to join us for the upcoming Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ (PMT) Shamanic Apprenticeship, that begins Sept. 29th, 2023 at WE Yurt, Zephyr, On.

The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ Shamanic Apprenticeship consists of 5 immersive weekend trainings over the course of a year and through the process you will:

  • Be supported in a sacred container to hold your transformation 
  • Unlock the power of ritual to remember who you are
  • Restore emotional coherence
  • Cultivate a deeper relationship with nature and the unseen world
  • Reclaim your connection with the medicine of Spirit
  • Anchor into your most intimate space of belonging
  • Activate the shamanic healer within yourself

>> Registration is open! Learn more about the upcoming PMT Foundational Shamanic Apprenticeship here. Limited spots available. 

Join an evolutionary community of shamanic initiates today, 

Be held is sacred space through this ancient Peruvian lineage of healing self, other and Earth. 

If you have any questions about the Apprenticeship, book a complimentary 30min call with me here.

It feels so good to be back and I look forward to supporting your journey home to yourself,

With Heart,


Though your story has shaped you, you have the power to transform your healing journey and come home to yourself.

Take the first step towards transformation by joining the waitlist for Mentorship and embarking on the journey of discovering The Self Healer Path.

Join The Waitlist